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Mountain Bike Oregon

June 26-29, 2025

Follow us on social media to get updates on when registration will open

Three amazing days of incredible cross country & all mountain singletrack on Oakridge’s best trails. Enjoy full-day bike demos from the industry’s best brands. Post-ride activities include live music, mini-bike races, river swimming, Oregon’s best beverages, camping under the stars & much more!

Register for your spot at MBO 2024 and experience this legendary mountain biking experience.

What’s Included In Your Mountain Bike Oregon Ticket

The MBO festival is every mountain biker’s dream. In addition to the notorious Oakridge, Oregon trails, when you register for Mountain Bike Oregon, all ticket option includes:

  • Camping: From tents, RV, and vans, we have acres of room for everyone to spread out and camp walking distance from festival grounds.
  • Breakfast & Lunch: Choose from meat, veggie, vegan, and dietary restricted food options. Lunches are bagged for you to take on the trail. (We have food carts on-site for everyone to purchase dinner)
  • Beverages: Choose from Deschutes Brewery & Oakshire beer (N/A available), 2 Towns Cider (N/A available), Humm Kombucha, wine, energy drinks, and more. This includes coolers in shuttle vans for after the ride and unlimited drinks in the evening beer garden.
  • Demo bikes from the industry’s top bike companies! Take a bike for the day on your shuttled ride!
  • Access to festival grounds with evening entertainment and bike industry vendor area expo booths.
  • Evening entertainment includes music, raffles, and activities – including the famous mini-bike race!
  • And much more that you don’t want to miss!

Ride Packages (6 to choose from) also include:

  • 3 days of shuttled rides. When you register, choose what trails you will ride at MBO. Ride at your own speed, all rides are supported by MBO’s notorious guide crew to ensure a great time on the trails!
  • Additional Friday & Saturday afternoon shuttles available after you return from your morning ride.

Skill camps include:

  • Amazing qualified coaches
  • Thursday night meet & greet parties to meet your coaches
  • The 3-Day intermediate/Advanced Ladies Camp, by Ladies AllRide includes skill instruction time and actual local trail riding.
  • The 2-Day beginner Ladies Camp, also by Ladies AllRide includes skill instruction at MBO festival grounds.
  • The Junior’s 5-9yrs Skill Camp includes 3 days of air bags, skill instruction, riding bikes, having fun, and afternoon art opportunities.
  • The Junior’s 10-15yrs Skill Camp includes 1 day on onside instruction followed by 2 days on singletrack riding, plus afternoon art opportunities.

Non-Riding Tickets include everything included listed with all participant tickets.

Additional Perks Also Included With Registration

  • Camping along the beautiful river by the Red Covered Bridge, at the bottom of Alpine trail. We have room for your RV’s, trailer, van, tent, etc.
  • Hot breakfast & Nossa Familia coffee each morning
  • Bagged lunch each day
  • Reusable logo’d Hydro Flask cooler cup to use for the entire event (and take home to remember your amazing MBO experience)
  • Adult Beverage Garden with Deschutes Brewery craft beer, cider, wine, & kombucha
  • Saturday night is Aloha Time in the Adult Beverage Garden – bring your luau finest for a festive evening
  • Available Onsite: Dinner from the variety of on-site food carts that operate in the Hydro Flask Hydration Garden.  Riders pay food carts directly.

Demo Bikes & Industry Vendors

MBO has always been a great place to connect with the bike industry’s top brands & gear companies!

  • MBO offers FREE Demo bikes from a variety of bike brands. Take a bike for your full day ride!
  • Industry Vendors and specialty bike companies wanting to put their products in your hands.
  • We also provide free mechanical support for mechanical’s that happen at MBO, not bikes that need a tune-up prior to the event.

Register Now for Mountain Bike Oregon